Monday, December 31, 2007

Well, I'm up late.


It's 1:07 AM.

My room is filled with smoke due to excessive incense burning.

I'm high on caffeine.

And for some reason, I feel very intellectual.



I don't know.


So I guess I will begin to write.



or maybe I'll post my poetry.

or smash my piggy bank.

Are these incense making me high?

I feel funny...

(These are small things written in the middle of both english and american studies. If you expect them to be magnificent, you may be very dissapointed. You have been warned.)

(this has been adapted into a song.)

Why am I here?
Who am I near?
What is this place?
And how do I steer?

Who is the teacher?
Who are the kids?
When did these students
Become such pigs?

What is this story?
Is it written in pen?
Where's the beginning?
And where is the end?

The clock has stopped
At 3:19
What does it mean?
What does it mean?

What are the answers
To all that I've asked?
Does anyone know
How much time has passed?

(Don't try to think too deeply about this one. Much of it, I've realized, makes little sense. I wasn't thinking all that hard when I was writing it anyway.)

What is life itself were dying?
Would it even be worth trying?
Walking through my past life's lying
Walking through the walls

If life itself would make a choice
To stand or sit and ignore the voice
Maybe then we'd see the light
Maybe it would be alright

These written words - these noisy birds
These little bits of hidden pits
These useless books - would you just look?
And see the dilemma that we're in?

If time and life (such petty things)
Would just for once agree on things
But time keeps going while life stands still
And time gets all while life gets nil

The ghosts are back - they're always here
They're too old to haunt me now.
Besides, in time, we won't be really
Different after all


My breath is tasting sickly-sweet
My life is going down the drain
I see the words but I can't read
And inside we are all the same

It's true, you know - we're dark inside
The blood is bluish-green
The heart is clogged with nasty insults,
Empty holes, and things obscene

The stomach, it has grown in size
To gigantic proportions
It must be filled or it will cry
And scream and scream and scream

The brain is just a lump of mush
Gray and lifeless it does seem
But somewhere hidden deep inside-
A spark, a light, a laser beam


I just watched my incense burn out. My computer screen is no longer clouded with smoke. Now I can see what I'm typing more clearly.

Am I still on italics? oh... I am...

okay. that's better.

So. I am planning on making each one of those into songs eventually. Of course, that means I should be practicing guitar more. I haven't taken the guitar out in... like... a month.... I should do that sometime.

Why is it that I'm only in the mood to clean at like 1:00 in the morning? It's strange. My room is certainly coming along with it's cleanliness.

Whoa... I just realized... It's New Year's Eve!


Meh... I never really do anything for the New Year. Stay home... maybe stay up until midnight...

Oh shit we have school tomorrow... I think...

at least that's what tyler said...

Just think- in less than 23 hours time, December 31, 2007 A.D. will be gone forever.


Are you sad yet? Will you miss 2007? Was it a good year? Are you getting annoyed at the fact that I'm barraging you with questions? Have I had coffee?

Why, yes.

Yes I have.

and now it's 1:38.

and I've been typing for 21 minutes.

Hell yes.

I knows subtraction!!

I know that I need to fall asleep. this post has evolved from what could have become an intellectual conversation to me blurting out random things that pop into my head.

And right now, I'm quite capable of thinking intellectually. However, nothing but sheer randomness is popping into my head.

meh.... livejournal/eblogger... what's the difference? You could begin a very good argument as to what the difference is and what the purpose of a blog is... but you know I won't listen. I am going to use this blog as a haven for my thoughts, whatever they may be. And my thoughts are quite random sometimes.

1:42. Inching on to 2:00 in the morning. I suppose I should be sleeping.

music: none (holy crap... I'm not listening to any music! that's a first...)
room: small

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