Friday, January 18, 2008


Imagine, if you will, that there was, or rather, is, a person, similar to yourself that thought of something. It was only a passing thought for him, just something that came and went quickly without a trace. It barely made a mark on is memory. In fact, he was probably concentrating on paperwork at the time, so he was trying to block out any other errant thoughts that might distract him.

This man, (or woman… no way of really knowing…), thought of the universe, or the universe that you have come to know. Quickly, quietly, the thought of it crept into his mind and then slipped away without a trace. But, currently, that little speck of a thought is still occurring in his mind. It was a thought of another consciousness- your consciousness. He momentarily created you, only he didn’t really create you, but he created your consciousness. And your consciousness, in a different aspect, created the world you are in now as the world of choice that you are to live in. What you see right now, every conceivable feeling that you are feeling, everything to you, is simply a product of your conscious mind’s thoughts.

So. A recap of what I’ve tried to explain to you, in a timeline.


#1: Well, who really knows what #1 is? Who knows how it began? Somehow, eventually, a person, or living consciousness came to be.

#2: This consciousness went through its imagined life, most likely unaware of the fact that it was a consciousness, not a person in some world somewhere

#3: A passing thought was about to go through his mind. This passing thought contains you, but not really you. You, as a living solid in this world of solids, liquids, plasmas, and gases, truly don’t exist. Your consciousness exists, and that is what creates all of what you see or feel. You are nothing but a passing thought in a much bigger idea that nobody seems to understand the origin of.

---Present ---

#4: The passing thought is going through his mind right now. You are reading this. Or your conscious mind momentarily decided to create it and therefore it became real to you. Either way, you could view it as yourself reading what you are reading right now. (That is possibly the most logical thing I’ve stated in a while.)


#5: You will cease to exist. Your conscious mind will convince itself that it is growing older and will eventually die, and, at the precise moment that you die, the passing thought that you are a part of will cease to be. (Just to piss you off, I will remind you of something here. The consciousness who you are simply a passing thought of is simply a passing thought of another consciousness, and when it convinces itself that it is dead, the passing thought of the consciousness that you are a passing thought of will simply cease to be. But don’t worry. You will have been deleted from existence far before that, for your conscious mind will have convinced itself that you are dead, and therefore you will die.)

Before I continue to #6, I must make you aware of something. You may have realized this through reading all of that, but every conscious thought that you have at any given time, happens. It happens, and then it is gone. It will seem quick, and perhaps the memory of it will not leave the slightest mark at all on your mind, but realize that those thoughts were the foundations of a completely new consciousness. They were consciousnesses that lived, and died. They went through their entire life in no more than a millisecond, or possibly no time at all, to you.

But think once again. Is it the fact that they die what makes the passing thought of them pass away? Or when the thought of them goes away, do they immediately die? Once again, I cannot answer these questions.

#6: An infinite number of consciousnesses will be born and die, instantly. For, if the consciousnesses that you created took up an amount of time not even noteworthy in your mind, then that must mean that the thought that conceived you must contain those thoughts, for your consciousness contains them. And even if the thoughts were to take up a whole 1/10th of your life, the consciousness that brought you into existence would only have it take up 1/100th of its life. If they took up 1/100000000th of your life, then they would take up 1/1000000000000000000th of their life. In order to get the correct amount in relation to their life you must multiply the denominator of how much of your life it took up by itself, and put a one in front of it.

Now, this is in assumption that the thought that you are having takes up the exact same fraction of your life as the passing thought that created you takes up your creator’s life. In order to determine such things when the fraction of time that you have been created in isn’t the same as the fraction of time as your passing thought, you must have the statistic that tells the fraction of life that you take up, and then simply multiply the denominator of the fraction of life that your thought takes up by the fraction of life that you take up, and you have the fraction of time that your passing thought takes up in your creator’s mind. Which would end up being an incredibly small fraction.

In conclusion, I want to remind you that typing this for about two hours straight has proved nothing. It is simply another “What if”, not much different than the concept of a god, or the concept of an inconceivably small speck containing the universe, which exploded, making the universe as big as it is. If a set of beliefs is brought into existence because of my rambling, than so be it. I’ll become famous. But I want you to think about this. So much of it makes sense, yet so much of it, despite the fact that is has no proof, is conceivably possible, right?

And just for kicks, I will add one more confusing thought. If the above paragraphs are true, than that means that what I just typed, and every subdivision of these thoughts created an unimaginable amount of consciousnesses, all living under this prospect, or possibly the subdivisions of this prospect, and being aware of it. But those consciousnesses have already lived and died, at every single minor switch of thought. And, as you read this, your consciousness created similar thoughts to mine. They lived under the same principles that mine lived under.

And if it is true, than I am just a consciousness. If I will myself to, I can live forever, and create whatever I want with my mind. Sort of like a lucid dream. I must believe that I can, and I can!

But in such a case that the world is what it is advertised to be in real life, than doing such things would mean I would be literally insane. I won’t take my chances to convince myself that I am seeing things. I’d rather kid myself to believe that everything I wrote is pure fiction. I want to have my imaginary pawns think I am perfectly sane.

Truly a mindfuck, eh? I wrote that in a story last night. Go to Netsua Stories and read the whole ting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez! My head's spinning just looking at it! *indicates spinning head* It's sort of like when you space out while reading textbooks and can't focus so you read the same line over and over again, except that you're not spaced out! You know? ^-^