Thursday, January 3, 2008

Trouble Brews In Memory Lane.

I remember, faintly, when I was very young. Once, while I was sitting in the back seat in a car with my mother and stepfather. I don't remember which was driving. I was in the left, and I think I was able to look forward and see my mother, so I think it was my stepfather. We were talking about numbers, and I remember thinking that the highest number in the world was 69. How my mind came to that, I don't know. I was 3... maybe 4 years old. Once I learned that there was an infinite amount of numbers- and that it all repeated in a pattern- I spent an entire day simply counting to myself just to see how high I could count in one day. I did it out loud, whispering to myself, so that I would not lose my place. As I passed people, they heard me reciting numbers up in the ten-thousands, and they gawked at me, a 4-year-old reciting such high numbers. Some of them asked what I was doing, and I told them, seeing their amused expressions and not understanding what was so funny.

I don't know what made me think of that, but I did. And when I thought of it, I felt that I had to put it down in my blog. I figure that, if I don't exercise my memories, they will simply go away forever, untraceable. In fact, I know this can happen, because it's been happening for many years. It wasn't necessarily conscious, but, realizing the pain engraved in some of my memories, my brain just... deleted them. Like files on a computer, they were wiped clean from the hard drive of my mind. I remember remembering things, but not the memory itself. I have memories of myself simply remembering, but not the memories of the actual event. It's really a pity, to know that I had memories engraved in my mind at one point, but those totally unique memories were suddenly... gone. The only difference between a hard drive and my brain is that there aren't any data-retrieval applications.

Honestly, it makes sense. I promise you. Just think about it.

--- To other topics ---

I did dye my hair on New Year's, but not blue. At Sarah's house, Eve and Sarah were both dying the ends of their hair red, so I decided to as well. It looked pretty badass. But my original intentions were to dye my hair blue, so today, having the chance to stay home from school, I dyed the ends of the hair blue, after washing the red hair dye out with shampoo and conditioner. However, instead of turning it the blue that I wanted, It simply made the hair a dark, dark purplish-blue. It looks black at a glance (which I want to dye it sometime anyway...), but a closer look reveals that it is really a dark blue color.

As for ear piercing, it was going to happen. Sarah's older brother, Mitch, was going to do it with a safety pin, something that he's done before, but, even after the safety pin sterilized, and the mark made on my ear with a sharpie, he voiced that he was feeling very apprehensive about it, and that if he messed up, he would feel very guilty. So, after all the planning, we decided to get an actual piercing kit from Spencer's. Next weekend we are all going to the mall and picking up one. So that idea will have to wait.

And the cleaning of the room couldn't happen because I didn't return home until last night. Of course, I'm going to proceed with it anyway.

New Year's Resolution: Stop being such a pussy and dress and act in the way that makes me happy, without giving a shit as to what others say or do about it.
music: Napoleon Dynamite Soundtrack


Napoleon Dynamite. One of the most annoyingly overquoted films of recent times. Many people regard it as an incredibly stupid movie, with humor that is only fit for losers.

But this movie is a very sweet movie. It depicts a very strange outcast, with an odd family, just trying to live. He has many difficulties, like his annoying Uncle Rico and his frustrating brother Kip, but he meets a good friend, Pedro, who is equally as strange as himself. Eventually, a shy girl named Deb comes into his life and, despite difficulties, they become good friends. This movie is very strange and not too professionally done, but it is a sweet movie all the same.


Anonymous said...

I must say that I found Napoleon Dynamite to be mind-blowingly boring, but then I should probably watch it with someone other than Nigel...

I must say that I like Mitch, he's crazy but nice, but on no count would I ever let him get near my ears with a safety pin. Sterilized or not!
Oh, and I died one side of my hair red and the other side purple. Mom and Mary gave me hair dye for Christmas and rather than choose which one to use I chose both!

Memories are fickle things, aren't they? I don't even remember remembering things, but then maybe I haven't remembered remembering anything that I'd forgotten because I didn't remember forgetting it. I'm not going to read over that last sentence because I'm trying to keep sleepy.
MnM (Mairead)

The Prizman said...

I think Napoleon Dynomite is an awesome movie and of the host of movies that I have seen I am suprised that some of it comes up as often as it does. This movie is destined to become a cult film alonf the lines of erasure head and harold and maude.