Friday, December 28, 2007

Bawls and RLS

ugh... can't sleep....

I can see that, with the last post, my thoughts became less and less coordinated over time...

oh, crap... my RLS is kicking in...

My leg just began having the uncontrollable urge to shake... and now it wants to walk around...

but my mind is too un-coordinated to do so...

I'm going to order a case of bawls when I get the chance... $31.00 for 24 bottles? hell yes... great deal...

and it's a very nice drink too... it's got lots of caffiene (which would normally be considered bad for me because I'm sensitive to caffiene...) but, instead of giving me a jolt that lasts a few hours (such as with coffee), Bawls stretches the energy out through the day, giving me a constant, (but not uncontrollable, shaky feeling) burst of energy, allowing me to concentrate on schoolwork and shit like that...

And it comes in a niftily-shaped blue glass bottle, too!

I need some music... why did the music stop?

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