Saturday, December 29, 2007

absent-minded thoughts about my past

I should listen to someone other than modest mouse for once...

I've been listening to them and only them for about a week, although i did fall asleep listening to jack johnson on my ipod...

nothing is coming to mind... except for the music playing in my ears. I haven't listened to this album for a while, at least. I've been concentrating more on Modest Mouse's old albums like The Moon And Antarctica and such...

But this is a seriously good album. Good News For People Who Love Bad News is the title.... I think it might be my favorite album...

I've written all over my bed lyrics of songs that I like. It's getting challenging to find an empty space when hear some lyrics that I want to write. Many people think it's stupid that I'm writing lyrics to other people's songs on here and not my own work, but those are the people that would critisize my work to no end, so whatever I do will be wrong to them. And I'm not trying to "impress" anyone by doing this... it's just something I want to do. When I look at the lyrics, the song that they are from plays in my head... so it's just another way to hear songs without really hearing them. They would be on my wall as well, but this isn't exactly my house... we've been renting a house for the past 13 years.... since I was 6 months old...

13 years spent in this room... everything has been changed around so much... furniture stays the same... somewhat. My bookcase was replaced a few months ago... now it's at least one that doest fall apart if you touch it....

My dresser and my "toybox" have still stayed the same.... although they've moved everywhere in the room at one point or another...

God... I haven't opened that "toybox" in like a year... I should do that sometime... i might find something that interests me.

When I started, I remember, I had a crib right by the door and there was a small bed in the corner of the room... (i don't remember much else- i was like...1)

Eventually, when I was old enough, I was given a bed of my own... one that I was allowed to sleep in. Well, more like a queen-size matress on the floor, but whatever. A bed is a bed.

On the opposite side of the bed sat my desk, with my old shitty 64MB RAM computer... (I would describe it's faults in full if I weren't too lazy to get up and look for it...) I remember that it had no CD drive and that I had this computer game called "The Incredible Toon Machine"(which sounds like a little kids game but is actually still entertaining, despite being made in 1994...)- on CD of course. My computer had a floppy drive, and, of course, I thought CD drives and floppy drives were both the same thing, only in a different shape. I stuck the CD into the floppy drive and jammed it completely, ruining the CD and the drive.

And that was my first computer. What was I- like, 4? I started using computers at a very young age, and, of course, they were all PC's.

I was under the impression when I was little that apple computers were bad, mainly because I didn't know how to use them. I was completely a PC person. I still am. I understand that macs are incredibly more efficient for... basically everything... but still, I've been using a PC for about 2/3 of my life... I must learn how to convert to Mac.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. For 4 or 5 years, I had that setup in my room, until my stepfather ordered me a loft bed. It is like a bunk bed, only the bottom part is a desk. On the side of the bed, there is a ladder-type thing that you climb up onto th bed with. The bed is two feet or so from the ceiling, so I had to learn not to bump my head on it.

This is the bed I have now. On the desk, there are tow computers, one being the one that I am typing on right this second, and another one with a completely different operating system than windows. It is a Linux-based system, only much simpler than true Linux. Honestly, I can't see the point in an operating system that can't run .exe's on it... but I'm going to give it a try.


is modest mouse still playing? oh, wait... it's on the last song in the album. Wow.

I've been typing for a while.

Like... a half-hour of non-stop thinking and typing.



My mind has suddenly blanked.

So I will part.

Music: White Lies Yellow Teeth - Modest Mouse
Mood: Thoughtful.

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