Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fucking computers... so frustrating... but you gotta love 'em!

Hmm... what should I do with my time? Something constructive(like writing a book)? Something useful(like emptying the dishwasher)? Something helpful(like fixing the computers)? Something that is a complete waste of time and will only make me lazier, despite the fact that it might be the only thing keeping me sane?

You: Like writing in a blog?

Austen: Precisely!


I should write more songs/poetry. They turn out very good, usually. I've written several already, and one of them has been made into a song.

Earlier today, I built a computer from scratch. Well, I attempted one, but got so frustrated with it that I deemed the piece of shit worthless and took out everything except for the motherboard. Then I moved on to the next computer (we have 4 broken...) and began to put it together, beginning with no RAM, no hard drive, no disk drive, no power supply, and a broken floppy drive (which I have yet to fix...). I put in the missing parts and connected everything that wasn't already connected (which was basically everything due to my experimentations with the interiors of computers at a young age...).

Eventually, it all was hooked up. I moved my computer with Ubuntu (the Linux-based system) off of the desk so I could use my monitor to experiment. I plugged up everything, with several things annoying me such as the lack of sufficient light and the pain that was developing in my back due to being hunched over a computer for the past 20 minutes, and turned it on. After a few tries, it finally worked. I was greatly relieved that I had finally managed to at least have it turn on and have the hard disk making noises, but the job wasn't finished yet.

For some reason, the video card in the computer was malfunctioning. I expected something like this to happen, because this is a very old computer. I had been prepared with another video card in case such a thing occurred. It was another old one, but I figured that, since it had never been used, it should work fine.

Well... It didn't. And I tried out the old video card again to no avail. I even switched monitors, once again with no effect.

So then, I moved this computer (the one with windows xp that I am using right now) away so I could attempt to use one more monitor for testing.

Something happened, mainly involving monitors with screws on the plug, and computers with screws in the plug, disrupting anyone who attempted to hook up the two.... Very frustrating, especially with such tiny parts. I tried all that I could to remove the screws. I used the smallest tools that I could. It didn't work. Eventually, I was led to use brute force, once again with no effect. Probably a stupid Idea anyway... don't use brute force with computer parts.....

So that didn't work, and by now I was thoroughly frustrated, in a messy room filled with errant computer parts. I had to navigate carefully around in order to even walk. For a few minutes, I paced around, my legs beginning to get restless, than I told myself to confront my frustration and clean my damn room!

So I drank some coffee for a burst of energy... (rather good coffee too... i think it's a different brand than usual...) and began to clean my room. I organized everything somewhat, just enough to keep me from going insane, and enough to be able to walk easily.

Then I got online. I ripped some CD's using Winamp. I made an announcement on myspace saying that I think it's stupid and I will no longer use it. I wrote a link to this blog. I took a picture of myself and edited it on mspaint to say "Goodbye, Myspace!" and set it as my default myspace picture. I went to my blog.

So that's my day. How was yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You did pretty good I think. If I had tried to do any of that, with or without help, I think that there would be 1-very screwed up computer 2-messed up monitors and a large jumble of miscellaneus parts. i.e. Gummy bears, pieces of string, those little umbrellas they put in drinks, etc. ^_^ Don't know how they'd get there, but they would.. They invadeth my spaceth!