Thursday, January 31, 2008

I despise siblings.

I despise my sister, Alana. She's an ungrateful bitch who is under the impression that she is the sweetest girl in the world. When she got home, she immediately made me get offline. Then she began complaining that she was cold, so I started a fire for her (her claiming that she didn't know how to load anything onto a pulley so I had to go all the way downstairs and lug a gigantic load of wood through the house). She said that it wasn't enough, so she called mom and made her tell me that I have to leave my door open. (My room has a heater because I'm the only one ever home. Alana comes home only for moments at a time, and she uses it as an excuse for never doing any work in the house.) If I were to leave my door open, than none of the house would be heated at all. The heater that I had is not meant to heat such a large area, especially having the heat travel through a narrow hallway into the rest of the house, where a fire was going anyway and another heater was turned on. After her bitching at me about it for a little while, it was decided that I would take the crappy heater that was outside the room, and replace it with the good heater that was in mine.

And this is the part that really pissed me off. I was coming out of my room, so I could take the shitty heater out of the living room to replace it with mine, and she began bitching at me some more, complaining that I was being a little asshole. She was mimicing me and being, in general, one of the most irritating and bitchy people I have ever known. Here I am, sacrificing my time and energy and warmth so she would be satisfied, and she was being a whiney bitch about everything, mainly about me being angry at her for... guess what.... being a bitch about everything! She was bitching at me because of my anger at her bitching at me!

Now, tell me. Does that make any sense?

And when I was walking past her, she stopped me and grabbed my necklace and said "That's my necklace!" (she was still in the midst of bitchiness). I replied "No, it's not. Mairead gave it to me."

She relpied in the snootiest, most annoyingly bitchy and cutesy voice she could have possibly done "Ohh, how cute!".

I ignored her and went into my room. Soon, she began bringing up arguing some more. Only this time, I was behind a door that I was holding closed. She began, in fact, to tear apart my door, saying that she was "just ripping off a piece that was already falling". Oh, well that's nice. If it's already in bad condition, why the fuck make it worse.

Morgan, I can stand. She's much, much, much more logical and fair than Alana. But Morgan, since she was born, has always had no choice but to try and take after Alana. Alana was the one in the more popular crowd. Alana was the prettier one. Alana was the one who had a good body, while Morgan always was a bit big-boned. And it is still this way. If given choices between sides, Morgan will always choose Alana. It's in her nature to try and get Alana to like her. It doesn't matter whether she disagrees with Alana's views or not; she will always attempt to take after Alana.

I, on the other hand, would prefer not taking after either of my sisters.

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